Canadian Baking Buzz

The Nanaimo Stamp Debate - What's Your Take?

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The Nanaimo Stamp Debate - What's Your Take?

If you haven't seen it online yet, there's a big debate over the nanaimo bar depicted on the stamp... Some are really upset over the image, stating that it doesn't look anything like a Nanaimo bar, others are ok with the image.  Personally it doesn't look anything like the ones I grew up on, however neither does most "stock" images of food.  When was the last time the Big Mac you've had look like the commercial?   So, what are you thoughts?  Personally I don't like things like this bother me, so I'm ok with the design.  It's just not something that is a high priority for me.  :-)

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Kindness Cookies - Sweetness with a Twist

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Kindness Cookies - Sweetness with a Twist

Now this is a neat idea.  Kindness Cookies by co-founder Deb Parr-Nash is a box of cookies, however with a twist.   In the box you get a baker's dozen which is 13 cookies.  The 13th cookie is the "kindness" cookie.  It's meant to be used as a pay it forward gesture. The 13th cookie itself is individually wrap so it can be easily given away as a kindness gesture to someone special. I think this is a such a cool idea.  Check them out! Kindness Cookies    

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